Bougs Villacorte


From a thrash/speed metal, death metal band before, playing lead & rythm guitar. We do cover songs of the bands like slayer, pantera, 6 feet under, carcass, deicide and some RATM songs :) but i want to be in a band today that is so serious about making our own music composition and someday to do a record of a album of our songs and play in a bar, concerts to promote our music. \m/ interested to join in a metal band, or to create my own metal band. Anyone interested (bassist, drummer, vox ) to be part of a proj. Metal band, just contact me this # 5147468436 let's form a crossover oldskul/nu metal band experiment proj. To start w/ original songs composition.

Screen name:
Bougs Villacorte
Member since:
Jan 01 2017
Active within 2 weeks
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
50 to 100
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
Available to gig:
1 night a week
Most available:


Dimebag darrell, YJM, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, John Petrucci, Paul Gilbert, Dave mustaine, Marty Friedman, Kirk Hamett & EVH.
*djent :) black sabbath & ozzy osbourne , pantera, metallica, slayer , judas priest, megadeth, dio, gnr , van halen, carcass, tool, ratm, malmsteen,& nirvana.

Instrument experience:

Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Bass Guitar:
Background Singer:


(1) Ibanez Rg 7 string guitar
(1) Ibanez Rg 370dxz 6 string guitar
(1) Jackson 6 string guitar
Zoom gfx-5
Digitech rp350
Ibanez ts9dx turbo tube screamer
Electro-harmonix distortion III boss noise gate ehx dime distortion dunlop wah pedal ehx 6band eq korg toneworks multi gtr processor vox looper pedal boss ps-6 boss dd-5