

Rhythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums.


Lead Guitarist and Vocalist of Domesticated Minds.
Seeking Rhythm Guitarist for new Albums in the works, 1 album follows the style of the first and the other is experimenting with a more standard timing to explore Rap Metal (similar to Immortal Technique & Hacktivist)

Our band explores a cathartic contrast between Experimental Ambient and Progressive Metal, pushing the boundaries of both the ethereal and the brutal, along with complex time signatures and syncopation.

contact me at "DomesticatedMinds at marcus barrick dot com "

The first album A Molochian Nightmare is a concept album describing a collective consciousness first booting up, domesticating humanity and then turning into Moloch until the inevitable collapse of humanity. It explores many notions in Buddhism from Dukkha, Samsara, as the domestication of humanity increases suffering without enabling death and rebirth.

It is a parallel project with a book series of Marcus' about socioeconomic systems change, Buddhism and Process Philosophy.

Screen name:
Marcus B
Member since:
Apr 06 2024
Active within 1 month
Level of commitment:
Years together:
Gigs played:
10 to 50
32 years


Alluvial, The Dali Thundering Concept, Slice The Cake, Painted In Exile, RXYZYXR, The Faceless, The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, An Endless Sporadic, The Contortionist, Ghenghis Tron, L'Enfant De La Foret

Members Of Band

Marcus Barrick - Lead Guitar
Marcus Barrick- Vocals (on album, will need Vocalist for live)


6 string LTD (locked to drop C due to Floyd rose)
8 string Schecter
Alesis Electric Drum kit.