MPD  Mobile Recording


We are based in Leamington, On. We are fully mobile throughout North America.
We are dedicated to making LIVE audio recording affordable for amateurs to professionals and will record rehearsals as well as live shows.
Top notch pristine digital audio interfacing utilizing professional software.
30+yrs experience. 24 channels live capabilities. 133+ channels post-production capabilities.
Demos to albums .
Soloists to orchestra's.
Any genre. Any location.
Give us a call and discuss your recording needs

519 800 2801

Contact name:
Screen name:
Member since:
Sep 22 2010
Active over 1 month ago
Phone number:
519 800 2801


Our mobile recording rate fluctuates, due to travel and fuel costs.
Guaranteed to be more affordable for live audio recording than any studio.
Our mix and mastering rate is an affordable $40.00/hr.
We do provide package rates as well. (inquire)
We have a convenient online inquiry form here:

We hope to work for, and with you.
Every project entails different aspects and requirements.